Need Assistance Enrolling with Health Insurance?
Neighborhood Health Center
155 Lawn Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14207
Ask to speak with Tara Moist
(716) 242-8600 Ext. 2275
Erie Community College
(716) 851-1336
6205 Main St.
Williamsville, NY 14221
If you've not been to the dentist in a year, this will be free without insurance.
(5 years old to 17 years old)Good Neighbors Healthcare
(716) 856-2400 Ext. 223
175 Jefferson Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14210
Walk-ins welcome
Location provides Free care
UB South Campus
(716) 239-4801
Main St and Kenmore Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14214
They accept Medicaid, call for an appointmentGood Neighbors Healthcare
(716) 856-2400 Ext. 223
175 Jefferson Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14210
Walk-ins welcome
Location provides Free care
Alcohol Help
Available 24/7Lake shore Behavioral Best-self
(716) 884-0888
254 Franklin St,Buffalo, NY 14202
Pride Center of WNY
(716) 852-7743
200 S Elmwood Ave,Buffalo, NY 14201
Evergreen Health Services
(716) 847-2441
206 S Elmwood Ave,Buffalo, NY 14201
Gay and Lesbian Youth Services of WNY
(716) 855-0221
371 Delaware Ave # 3,Buffalo, NY 14202
Call or click, Medicaid Cab for all medical appointments
You need : Medicaid Card number, Birth date, Address
of pick and drop off location
Text To Help
TXT 4 HELP: If you're in trouble or need help, text SAFE and your current location (address/city/state) to 69866
TXT 4 HELP is a nationwide service offered by National Safe Place to help teens connect to the closest location where they can get immediate help and safety. They'll text you back the address of the nearest Safe Place site and contact number for the local youth shelter. Within that same message you'll receive a prompt that says, "reply with 2CHAT for more help." Once you reply with 2CHAT, you'll be connected with a professional for more help.
National Safe Place:
TEXT 211: Western New York has a quick answer to your needs and questions! You can call or text 211 about a wide range of circumstances, and they'll work with you to help you find a solution fast! They help with food, housing, utilities, clothing, legal aid, literacy, transportation, substance abuse, child care, senior issues, disability information, mental health, health care, and volunteer opportunities.
Health care services like preventive care, medication, primary care physicians and many other services can be difficult to access for people who are experiencing homelessness, especially our youth. This is often because they lack insurance or have difficulty engaging health care providers in the community.
As stated by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, people living in shelters are more than twice as likely to have a disability compared to the general population. On a given night in 2017, 20 percent of the homeless population reported having a serious mental illness, 16 percent conditions related to chronic substance abuse, and more than 10,000 people had HIV/AIDS.
It is not always easy to find the resources that you may need for any health related issue, so this reference page will be a great start. When contacting any of these amazing organizations be sure to let them know you have received their information from Plymouth Crossroads, and they will be sure to take care of you.