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Plymouth Crossroads

Jennifer McAndrew

Executive Director

Jennifer McAndrew is Plymouth Crossroads’ Executive Director and has served in that role since the resident’s founding in 2011. Ms. McAndrew is responsible for ensuring ongoing local programmatic excellence, rigorous program evaluation, and consistent quality of all areas of operation; actively engaging volunteers, board members, committees, alumni, partnering organizations, and funders; expanding local revenue generating and fundraising; and building partnerships. Before coming to Plymouth, Jennifer served ten years as a Credentialed Prevention Specialist with Western New York United Against Drug and Alcohol Abuse, working with youth and peers in building protective and resiliency factors against substance use among youth. She earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice at Hilbert College, studied Elementary Education at Fredonia State College, and is certified in Trauma Informed Care and Developing Sustainable Organizations.

Donell Gibson

Program Coordinator

Donell Gibson has worked with Plymouth Crossroads since 2016. He began his career with Plymouth as a Case Manager and gradually worked his way up to becoming the Program Coordinator. Prior to coming to work for Plymouth he spent 26 years working at the Renaissance House Campus as an Addiction Counselor as well as Shift Supervisor. His passion comes from his parents, family and spiritual background. “It’s a joy just knowing that no matter what the outcome may be, I took the time out to try and help make a difference in a person’s life”.

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